News in the Club
Added: March 20, 2011
RGR Play Day - March 20, 2011.
The Rio Grande Racers got together at Ascarate Lake on Sunday, March 20th. Ann Marie Keller ran her 3.5opc and logged a little time on the water. Tony Solo brought his Mod B-OPC and tweaked on it each time on the water. Tom Balliet showed up again with his G-1 Insane Mono and ran a few times with Jay Stone on the water with his newly built Y-6 G-1 Mono. Jay has been away from the hobby and this was his first time running a boat in several years. Gary Gould ran his R-42 Cat a few times and it definitely showed promise. Gary's JAE Gas Rigger was running strong and shows to be a tough competitor in 2011. Joey Lapille got his Orange Leecraft B-OPC on the water. The boat looks strong and should be a contender in 2011.

The group looks forward to getting together again next Sunday, March 27, 2011. We'll meet at 9am and run until 1pm.

Enjoy some photos and a few videos from the playday:

For any more information please contact Vice Commodore/Webmaster Jay Stone at